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How to add a user:
When a workspace is opened there is the Users option on the left side panel.
Click on the Users option and at the top right click on Add user.
Enter valid email and select the scope for the user and click on Add User.
Permission rights of each user: Deepen AI annotation tools have different user access levels for different tasks. Different roles and their description are as follows:
Admin: This role can view/add/edit/delete a project, add/delete a dataset, add users, add payment details, sign up for different pricing plans, assign users, add files and add labels.
Reader: This role can view all the labels, reports and profiles but cannot make any changes.
Datasets Admin: This role has access to create and delete datasets. They can assign frames to already added users. They cannot label or add any users.
Datasets Creator: This role has access to add datasets, but cannot delete datasets.
Labels Admin: This role can add and delete labels.
Labeller: This role has access to annotate the allocated frames (Labelling and QA)
Customer: This role has permission to accept or reject labels in the workspace.
Apart from these, we have additional scopes for Access Tokens. They are:
Dataset Labels Admin: This role can add and delete the labels on the dataset level only.
Dataset Labeller: This role has access to annotate the allocated frames(Labelling and QA) on the dataset level.
Dataset Calibration Edit: This role can view, create, manage and delete calibration datasets at the dataset level.
Dataset Calibration Read: This role can view all at the dataset level for calibration dataset.
Dataset Reader: This role can view all the labels, reports and profiles but cannot make any changes at the dataset level.
Dataset Customer: This role can accept labels at the dataset level.