Task Life Cycle
We're introducing an improved lifecycle for the tasks in the dataset to streamline your dataset workflow experience. Here are the new task states we support:
Waiting: Indicates the task is in waiting state and needs to be submitted from a previous stage
Ready: Indicates the task is ready for you to start working on
In progress: Indicates the user is working on the task
Submitted: Indicates the task was submitted for review, and the next stage user has to verify and accept it. Please note that you will not be able to modify a task once submitted.
Accepted: Indicates the task was verified by the next stage user and has approved it and no changes would be further required in it. Please note that you will not be able to reject a task once accepted.
Rejected: Indicates the task was rejected by the next stage user and needs to be fixed (users can refer to issues if any were created for the task before rejecting the task). Rejected tasks need re-work and have to be submitted again for further review.
Note: Once a task is submitted user can't edit the task in that stage.
Task options you see for different possibilities:
If you are in a stage after the first one (e.g. second, third)
If the previous stage was not accepted yet, you see Accept & modify, Accept & submit and Reject
If you are in the last stage of the pipeline
Once you've accepted the previous stage task, you see Finish.
New tasks page inside a dataset
Users with admin scopes and customers will now have a new tasks screen visualizing the flow of the work in the dataset across all stages. Only users with dataset admin or above scopes will be able to assign users to the tasks.
When clicked on a task in the Task column (left-most column), the task is launched in the editor with all the required options set automatically, so you can start working without worrying about which stage you have to go to or which label set you to need to set to.
Last updated