User can add a 3D bounding box to the image by selecting the 3D bounding box label Type.
Steps to Draw a 3D Bounding Box on image:
Click on Label type and select the 3D bounding box from the top left menu of the editor.
Select a category from the drop-down box.
You can label the 3D bounding box by left-clicking the mouse. On mouse left click and drag user can see a 2D box which will be the front face of and another click will generate a corresponding 3D bounding box.
Hovering on the box reflects which face/vertex will be moved and you can use Shift + Left Click-drag to move the box.
You can select the 3D bounding box by clicking on the box with a left mouse click. Then you can edit the bounding box by dragging the highlighted box with a left mouse click.
Labels are saved automatically.
Users can submit their work by clicking on the submit button at the bottom. Refer to Task Life Cycle for more information.