Click on ‘New’ on the calibration list page.
Click on Vehicle-LiDAR calibration, to start it.
A welcome page with the set of instructions is shown at the beginning, just click on ‘Get started’ to go forward and Select 3D LIDAR.
Users needs to choose the targetless calibration. The targetless calibration just uses the scene captured in both LiDAR and the Vehicle sensor data.
Select Targetless calibration and give calibration and Lidar name and click on set details.
User needs to upload PCD files and click on continue. Note that the PCD files must be a continuous sequence. They need to be in-order and without any skips.
Continue button would be disabled until pcd files are selected.
Users need to click on Calibrate.
The extrinsic parameters can be viewed to the right.
Visualization shows the planes which are detected and also the lidar and the vehicle coordinates. This also shows the vehicle corners on the ground. The planes can be deselected. Also, the fused point cloud can be deselected, to just look at the vehicle and the lidar axes and the vehicle body.
Extrinsic parameters can be exported to a json file using the button in the top right corner.
roll, pitch, yaw are in degrees and px, py, pz are in meters.
roll, pitch, yaw, px, py, pz are the extrinsic parameters downloaded from the calibration tool.
vehiclePoint3D is the 3d coordinates of a point in the vehicle coordinate system.
lidarPoint3D is the 3d coordinates of a point in the lidar coordinate system.
We use the vehicle road-level coordinate system of the ISO 23150 standard. The origin of the coordinate frame is the vehicle road-level reference point which is located in the middle of the rear tire contact patches.
For a Kitti dataset, the calibration errors from published values are
Z: 0.05m
Roll: 1.7 degree
Pitch: 0.4 degree
Yaw: 0.2 degree