Overview: Boxes can be adjusted in all frames at a single place.
Steps for using Label View:
In Label View the selected bounding box can be viewed and adjusted in all the preloaded frames.
The box will be displayed in Top, Front and Side view.
Select a bounding box and Click on ’Label view’ to enable it.
A timeline feature is a useful tool for visualizing your labeling activity and improving labeling speed and efficiency for sequence datasets. By providing information about the labels across datasets, it allows you to easily identify, navigate, and edit manual frames. With the timeline, you can perform these operations much faster and with greater accuracy. For more detailed information on how to use the timeline, please refer to the instructions below.
Using Frame Number
To navigate across frames using the frame number, you can click on the frame number and input the desired frame. Alternatively, you can hover over the frame number and drag left or right to move to the previous or next frame.
Using Frame Slider
You can navigate across frames in the timeline view by dragging the blue slider left or right.
Using Navigation Buttons
You can navigate across frames using the play, previous, and next buttons located on the timeline view. See the button interactions below.
You can use the ctrl/cmd key with mouse scroll to zoom in or zoom out the scale present in the timeline view.
To extend or clip labels to particular frames, hover on the right or left edges of the label track (coloured bars) to see a black bar. Drag this black bar in the left/right directions to extend or clip the label to some particular frames from the sequence.
Delete label in specific frame:
You can delete the interpolated label in a specific frame by holding the command (for Mac) or Ctrl (for others) and left-clicking to a specific frame of the labelling timeline.
Note: By disabling “fill new labels”, new labels created will not be interpolated.
Overview: One-click bounding box allows you to create a perfectly labeled bounding box with just one click.
Steps to create a one-click bounding box:
Once selected, place the bounding box at a dynamic object. Ex: Vehicle. Placing at concentrated points will yield better results.
Look at the secondary view to check the quality of the placement. Adjust the label accordingly if needed.
To enable one-click bounding boxes, click on “label” at the top panel and select “Enable one click box placement”. Make sure you’re in the bounding box mode.
User can Hide/Unhide the lidar points from top and bottom in the editor.
Accessing Show Ground Mesh:
Overview: Secondary views enable the user to look at the label from three different views - Top, Front, and Side View.
To Disable secondary views, click on "view" in the top menu and Unselect Enable Secondary Views
Overview: The Camera View Feature allows the user to check 3D Lidar Images to view as an image on the side. This provides user clarity on each of the Lidar Images.