Overview: A scene label is a behaviour or an event or an action by an object or a scene in the sequence.
Steps to enable scene labeling:
To start enabling scene labeling, upload a dataset as a sequence datasets or video that is not split into frames. By checking the "use video directly instead of splitting into frames" option, it will not the video into frames and rather upload the entire video.
Create a category under scene labeling. Ex: cut in
Clicking on the New Scene Label button at the bottom of the editor creates a new label from the user's current frame with the selected category. Ex: cut in:1
Steps to create a scene label:
Click on the label name or track selects the label and will enable the "Start Scene" and "End Scene" buttons.
Navigating to the desired frame and clicking on the "End Scene" buttons will extend the track from the already existing start point to the selected frame.
Upon selecting the frame number below the already existing frame and click on the "Start Scene" button extends the track to the left towards the user's new start frame.
Click on label or track selects the labels which enable the user to click on the edges of the track and drag towards the user's desired frame.